Water treatment for closed circuits

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Water treatment

The water treatment is essential to maintain its quality, ensure its security and prevent problems related to the contamination. In this complete guide, we will discuss the principles of dosing of chemicals, tests for legionella, the use of filters and reagents, the anti-corrosion treatment, water analysis in the laboratory according to the standards, the analysis of the glycol, as well as the different techniques of cleaning to remove residues and deposits in water systems. It is crucial to understand these aspects in order to ensure the proper functioning of the systems in closed circuits and guarantee the quality of the drinking water.

Dosage of chemical

The dosage of chemicals in water treatment is based on fundamental principles to maintain a chemical balance appropriate to remove the contaminants, while preserving the quality of the water. It is essential to assay reagents in a precise manner to avoid any excess or insufficient, as this may compromise the effectiveness of the treatment and lead to problems of corrosion or contamination. The choice of the proper reagents is crucial to ensure an effective treatment depending on the specific contaminants present in the water.

Test legionella

Legionnaires ' disease represents a significant threat to public health, and it is essential to put in place a protocol for rigorous test to detect their presence in water systems. Comply with standards and regulations regarding the testing of legionella is vital to ensure the safety of the treatment facilities of the water. In addition, the implementation of preventive measures is essential to prevent the proliferation of legionella and to ensure the safety of the water.

Filters and reagents

Filters play a crucial role in the treatment of the water by removing contaminants and residues. There are different types of filters suitable for the treatment of the water, and their use depends on the specifics of the contaminants to be eliminated. Similarly, the use of specific reagents depending on the contaminants present in the water is essential to ensure the effectiveness of the treatment. Regular maintenance of the filters is also necessary to maintain their effectiveness and to ensure optimal treatment of the water.

Anti-corrosion treatment

The corrosion of metals in water systems is a common problem that can compromise the performance of the facilities. Several methods of protection against corrosion, such as the use of inhibitors that are adapted to the specific environment, are essential to prevent damage caused by corrosion. The regular checking of the effectiveness of the anti-corrosion treatment is required to ensure the durability of the metal components in the treatment facilities of the water.

Water analysis in the laboratory according to the standards

The water analysis in the laboratory according to the standards is crucial to assess the quality of the treated water and ensure its compliance with regulatory requirements. Some of the key parameters that should be analyzed according to the standards in the laboratory to detect the presence of contaminants and to adjust the treatment plan accordingly. The interpretation of the results of the analyses is essential to optimize the treatment of water, and the documentation of the reports of analysis is necessary to ensure compliance with standards in force.

Analysis glycol

The analysis of the concentration of glycol in water systems is essential to guarantee maximum protection against freezing and corrosion in cooling systems. It is important to define the frequency and the methods of analysis appropriate to monitor and optimize the mixture water-glycol. The glycol concentration has a significant impact on the performance of the heat transfer fluid, and its regular monitoring is therefore needed, to ensure optimal operation of cooling systems.

Cleaning the basins of neutralization

The basins of neutralization may accumulate residues and deposits over time, which requires cleaning techniques to eliminate these contaminants. Regular cleaning of basins of neutralization is essential to prevent problems related to the accumulation of organic matter, and specific tests are needed to verify the effectiveness of the cleaning and to ensure the quality of the treated water.

Cleaning closed-circuit water-cooled

Closed circuit water cooled may be subject to the formation of deposits and corrosion and of contaminants, which requires proper cleaning procedures to maintain their efficiency in terms of cooling. Regular cleaning is essential to minimize the impact of deposits on the performance of cooling systems. In addition, specific precautions must be taken to prevent the formation of deposits and corrosion and ensure optimal operation of the circuits of water-cooled.

Cleaning to remove iron and organic deposits

The removal of organic deposits in the water treatment facilities is crucial to prevent the risk of contamination and to maintain the quality of the water. Similarly, solutions of the proper cleaning should be put in place to eliminate the deposits of iron, which may have adverse effects on the quality of the water. Reduce the risk of contamination by organic deposits is essential for ensuring water safety and the proper operation of the treatment facilities.